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Adobe Photoshop Elements Tutorials

#1- Making a Vignette



Skills:Opening a photo, saving a photo, selecting and deselecting, feathering, making a vignette.

Opening a photo:  On the “Menu Bar”  left click <click> on File, Open <click>, and then choose the location of your file in the Look in: field.  Once in the proper folder, click on the image you wish to edit, Open <click>.

                        Practice: Open a photo at school ¨On the “Menu Bar”  left click <click> on File, Open <click>, Scanner on Cot S: <click>, Samples <click>, People<click>, Baby , Open <click>.


Using the Marquee Tool: One of the key skills in working with digital images, is being able to select the area you want to modify.  The first six tools on the tool box are all selection tools.

                        Marquee -  selects a rectangular, square, elliptical, or circle.

                        Move – moves a selected area.

                        Lasso-  selects a polygon or freehand selection area.

                        Magic wand- selects areas based on color matching

                        Selection brush – selects only the areas you pass over with the brush.

Crop tool- trims your image.  The area inside the selection is kept the rest is deleted.Text Box: Tips and Tricks

·	Holding the shift key down while using the marquee will  form a circle.
·	Holding the Alt key down while using the marquee will form will keep the selection centered on the starting point.
·	Holding the Alt and Shift will make a centered circle.

  1. Click on the Marquee tool in the upper left hand corner of the tool box.  If you hold down the mouse you will notice two hidden tools will appear the rectangle marquee and the elliptical marquee.  Also when you click on the tool, the options bar will change to reflect the options of the selected tool.
  2. On the Options Bar click on the Elliptical Marquee option.
  3. Set the Feather option to 20 pixels. (The larger the number the wider the faded or feather edge of your vignette will be.  This is also affected  by the resolution of the orginal picture.  Pictures with higher resolutions will require a larger number to obtain the same feather effect.
  4. Left click on the picture and drag to form an ellipse. Click and drag in the center of the ellipse to reposition it.


Making the Vignette:

After you have selected the area of the picture you want to keep for your vignette, click on the Effects tab in the palette well.   Double click on the Vignette effect.


Saving the Image: 

On the Menu Bar, File <click>,  Save As <click>, find the folder location you want to save the picture to such as My Documents  or  My Pictures, under File Name, give the file a name (eg. Baby Vignette, or Baby copy), change the Format to JPEG.


Printing the Vignette:

1. Printing multiple wallet sized prints:  On the Menu Bar, click on File, Print Layouts <click>, Picture Packages <click>.  Under layout choose the picture package you would like to print. (9) 2.5 X 3.25, Click the OK button.

2. The photo package is actually another image by itself.  If you plan to print this package again save the image package. 

3. To print the image package, on the menu bar, File <click>, Print <click>, OK<click>.

Next>>>>Hand Tinting a Black and White Photo

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